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Users typically should not need to call this function.

  • Create new pals that will automatically be registered with this function with prompt_new().

  • The pal addin will initialize needed pals on-the-fly.


  role = NULL,
  fn = getOption(".pal_fn", default = "chat_claude"),
  .ns = "elmer"



The identifier for a pal prompt. By default one of "cli", "testthat" or "roxygen", though custom pals can be added with .pal_add().


A new_*() function, likely from the elmer package. Defaults to elmer::chat_claude(). To set a persistent alternative default, set the .pal_fn option; see examples below.


Additional arguments to fn. The system_prompt argument will be ignored if supplied. To set persistent defaults, set the .pal_args option; see examples below.


The package that the new_*() function is exported from.


If you have an Anthropic API key (or another API key and the pal_*() options) set and this package installed, you are ready to using the addin in any R session with no setup or library loading required; the addin knows to look for your API credentials and will call needed functions by itself.


if (FALSE) {
# to create a chat with claude:

# or with OpenAI's 4o-mini:
  model = "gpt-4o-mini"

# to set OpenAI's 4o-mini as the default, for example, set the
# following options (possibly in your .Rprofile, if you'd like
# them to persist across sessions):
  .pal_fn = "chat_openai",
  .pal_args = list(model = "gpt-4o-mini")