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A couple years ago, the tidyverse team began migrating to the cli R package for raising errors, transitioning away from base R (e.g. stop()), rlang (e.g. rlang::abort()), glue, and homegrown combinations of them. cli's new syntax is easier to work with as a developer and more visually pleasing as a user.

In some cases, transitioning is as simple as Finding + Replacing rlang::abort() to cli::cli_abort(). In others, there's a mess of ad-hoc pluralization, paste0()s, glue interpolations, and other assorted nonsense to sort through. Total pain, especially with thousands upon thousands of error messages thrown across the tidyverse, r-lib, and tidymodels organizations.

The cli pal helps you convert your R package to use cli for error messages.


The system prompt from a pal includes something like 4,000 tokens. Add in (a generous) 100 tokens for the code that's actually highlighted and also sent off to the model and you're looking at 4,100 input tokens. The model returns approximately the same number of output tokens as it receives, so we'll call that 100 output tokens per refactor.

As of the time of writing (October 2024), the default pal model Claude Sonnet 3.5 costs $3 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens. So, using the default model, cli pals cost around $15 for every 1,000 refactored pieces of code. GPT-4o Mini, by contrast, doesn't tend to get cli markup classes right but does return syntactically valid calls to cli functions, and it would cost around 75 cents per 1,000 refactored pieces of code.

This section includes a handful of examples "from the wild" and are generated with the default model, Claude Sonnet 3.5.

At its simplest, a one-line message with a little bit of markup:

rlang::abort("`save_pred` can only be used if the initial results saved predictions.")


cli::cli_abort("{.arg save_pred} can only be used if the initial results saved predictions.")

Some strange vector collapsing and funky line breaking:

extra_grid_params <- glue::single_quote(extra_grid_params)
extra_grid_params <- glue::glue_collapse(extra_grid_params, sep = ", ")

msg <- glue::glue(
  "The provided `grid` has the following parameter columns that have ",
  "not been marked for tuning by `tune()`: {extra_grid_params}."



  "The provided {.arg grid} has parameter columns that have not been
   marked for tuning by {.fn tune}: {.val {extra_grid_params}}."

A message that probably best lives as two separate elements:

    "Some model parameters require finalization but there are recipe",
    "parameters that require tuning. Please use ",
    "`extract_parameter_set_dials()` to set parameter ranges ",
    "manually and supply the output to the `param_info` argument."


    "Some model parameters require finalization but there are recipe
     parameters that require tuning.",
    "i" = "Please use {.fn extract_parameter_set_dials} to set parameter
           ranges manually and supply the output to the {.arg param_info}

Gnarly ad-hoc pluralization:

msg <- "Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter"
unk_names <- pset$id[unk]
if (length(unk_names) == 1) {
  msg <- paste0(msg, ": ", unk_names)
} else {
  msg <- paste0(msg, "s: ", paste0("'", unk_names, "'", collapse = ", "))


  "Creating pre-processing data to finalize unknown parameter{?s}: {.val {unk_names}}"

Some paste0() wonk:

  "The workflow has arguments to be tuned that are missing some ",
  "parameter objects: ",
  paste0("'", pset$id[!params], "'", collapse = ", ")


  "The workflow has arguments to be tuned that are missing some
   parameter objects: {.val {pset$id[!params]}}"

The model is instructed to only return a call to a cli function, so erroring code that's run conditionally can get borked:

cls <- paste(cls, collapse = " or ")
if (!fine) {
  msg <- glue::glue("Argument '{deparse(cl$x)}' should be a {cls} or NULL")
  if (!is.null(where)) {
    msg <- glue::glue(msg, " in `{where}`")


  "Argument {.code {deparse(cl$x)}} should be {?a/an} {.cls {cls}} or {.code NULL}{?in {where}}."

Note that ?in where is not valid cli markup.

Sprintf-style statements aren't an issue:

abort(sprintf("No such '%s' function: `%s()`.", package, name))


cli::cli_abort("No such {.pkg {package}} function: {.fn {name}}.")

Interfacing manually with the cli pal

Pals are typically interfaced with via the pal addin. To call the cli pal directly, use:

pal_cli <- .init_pal("cli")

Then, to submit a query, run:
