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The roxygen pal prefixes the selected function with a minimal roxygen2 documentation template. The pal is instructed to only generate a subset of a complete documentation entry, to be then completed by a developer:

  • Stub @param descriptions based on defaults and inferred types

  • Stub @returns entry that describes the return value as well as important errors and warnings users might encounter.


The system prompt from a roxygen pal includes something like 1,000 tokens. Add in 200 tokens for the code that's actually highlighted and also sent off to the model and you're looking at 1,200 input tokens. The model returns maybe 10 to 15 lines of relatively barebones royxgen documentation, so we'll call that 200 output tokens per refactor.

As of the time of writing (October 2024), the default pal model Claude Sonnet 3.5 costs $3 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens. So, using the default model, roxygen pals cost around $4 for every 1,000 generated roxygen documentation entries. GPT-4o Mini, by contrast, doesn't tend to infer argument types correctly as often and often fails to line-break properly, but does usually return syntactically valid documentation entries, and it would cost around 20 cents per 1,000 generated roxygen documentation entries.

This section includes a handful of examples "from the wild" and are generated with the default model, Claude Sonnet 3.5.

Documenting a function factory:

deferred_method_transform <- function(lambda_expr, transformer, eval_env) {
  transformer <- enexpr(transformer)

  unique_id <- new_id()
    !!unique_id := inject((!!transformer)(!!lambda_expr)),
    eval.env = eval_env

    function(...) {
      (!!generators)[[!!unique_id]](self, private, ...)


#' #' Transform a deferred method
#' @description
#' A short description...
#' @param lambda_expr A lambda expression to transform.
#' @param transformer A transformer function or expression.
#' @param eval_env The environment in which to evaluate the transformer.
#' @returns
#' A function that, when called, will evaluate the transformed lambda expression.
#' The returned function accepts `...` arguments which are passed to the generated function.
#' @export

A function that may raise a condition:

set_default <- function(value, default, arg = caller_arg(value)) {
  if (is.null(value)) {
    if (!is_testing() || is_snapshot()) {
      cli::cli_inform("Using {.field {arg}} = {.val {default}}.")
  } else {


#' Set default value
#' @description
#' A short description...
#' @param value A value to check.
#' @param default The default value to use if `value` is NULL.
#' @param arg Optional. The name of the argument being set.
#' @returns
#' Returns `value` if it's not NULL, otherwise returns `default`.
#' Informs the user when using the default value.
#' @export

A function with some tricky indexing:

find_index <- function(left, e_right) {
  if (!is.list(e_right) || !has_name(e_right, "index") || !is.numeric(e_right$index)) {

  matches_idx <- map_lgl(left, function(e_left) e_left$index == e_right$index)
  if (sum(matches_idx) != 1) {


#' Find matching index
#' @description
#' A short description...
#' @param left A list of elements, each expected to have an 'index' field.
#' @param e_right A list with an 'index' field to search for in `left`.
#' @returns
#' The numeric index in `left` where `e_right$index` matches, or NA if not found
#' or if inputs are invalid. Returns NA if multiple matches are found.
#' @export

Interfacing manually with the roxygen pal

Pals are typically interfaced with via the pal addin. To call the roxygen pal directly, use:

pal_roxygen <- .init_pal("roxygen")

Then, to submit a query, run:
