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The pal package's prompt directory is a directory of markdown files that is automatically registered with the pal package on package load. directory_*() functions allow users to interface with the directory, making new "roles" available:

  • directory_path() returns the path to the prompt directory, which defaults to ~/.config/pal.

  • directory_set() changes the path to the prompt directory (by setting the option .pal_dir).

  • directory_list() enumerates all of the different prompts that currently live in the directory (and provides clickable links to each).

  • directory_load() registers each of the prompts in the prompt directory with the pal package (via .pal_add()).

Functions prefixed with prompt*() allow users to conveniently create, edit, and delete the prompts in pal's prompt directory.


directory_load(dir = directory_path())






Path to a directory of markdown files–see Details for more.

Format of the prompt directory

Prompts are markdown files with the name, where interface is one of "replace", "prefix" or "suffix". An example directory might look like:

├── .config/
│   └── pal/
│       ├──
│       └──

In that case, pal will register two custom pals when you call library(pal). One of them has the role "proofread" and will replace the selected text with a proofread version (according to the instructions contained in the markdown file itself). The other has the role "summarize" and will prefix the selected text with a summarized version (again, according to the markdown file's instructions). Note:

  • Files without a .md extension are ignored.

  • Files with a .md extension must contain only one hyphen in their filename, and the text following the hyphen must be one of replace, prefix, or suffix.

To load custom prompts every time the package is loaded, place your prompts in directory_path(). To change the prompt directory without loading the package, just set the .pal_dir option with options(.pal_dir = some_dir). To load a directory of files that's not the prompt directory, provide a dir argument to directory_load().


if (FALSE) {
# print out the current prompt directory

# list out prompts currently in the directory

# create a prompt in the prompt directory
prompt_new("boop", "replace")

# view updated list of prompts

# register the prompt with the package
# (this will also happen automatically on reload)

# these are equivalent:
options(.pal_dir = "some/folder")